As a family we connect by doing life in circles not rows.

Join us for Round Table sessions where we use our midweek service to gather in circles to do study and grow as followers of Christ.  Past sessions have included Awe Of God & God's Umbrella of Protection.  
Our Spring Round Table is studying Live No Lies by John Mark Comer and began April 3 so registration is closed.  

Watch Events for info on the next Round Table session.

As a family we connect by breaking bread.

This Spring we invite you to join us in living out the Bible.  In Acts 2:46 Believers broke bread and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.  We already regularly meet together in worship, now's the time to go deeper and break bread regularly.  Every first Sunday will be the Break Bread Club.  Simply invite others for a meal.  A good starting point is a meal with those that sit at your midweek Round Table.  

Tag us on social media & use #BreakBreadClub

As a family we connect by taking Communion.

Every first Sunday we take Communion as a family.  We start the service off with it so if you're not present at 9am or 11am  communion elements are always available on either side of the stage for you to take at your convenience. 

"Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup,
you are retelling His Story...."